Sports Premium Funding & School Swimming
What is Sport Premium Funding?
The government has chosen to invest in Primary School Physical Education and School Sport for 2013-2015. They have done this by offering each primary school £8000 plus £5 per pupil to be spent in any way the school thinks best to improve the teaching and learning of PE and School Sport in their individual school.
How we are using it at Langley Mill Academy
We have used the funding, at LMA, to ensure that children have the most qualified teachers and instructors during their P.E. lessons. This has included buying in training and support for teachers from our local sports partnership. Some of the funding has been used to increase the range of extra-curricular activities and subsidised or funded a number of these clubs.
Our annual Sports Premium Funding Statement can be found here: Sports Premium 2024-25
School Swimming for 2023-24
By the end of Key Stage Two children should be able to complete a continuous swim of more than 25 metres, without touching the side of the pool or pool floor. Part of the swim should be completed in deep water.
· Strokes are as strong at the end as at the start
· Strokes are recognisable to an informed onlooker.
Pupils choose stroke and start in the water, must be relaxed.
Children should be able to use a range of strokes, alternating on their front and back, and adapt them for a range of purposes. Swimming strokes do not have to be technically correct, but they need to be effective for the intended outcomes to be successfully achieved.
E.g. swim 15 metres using a range of strokes, with change of strokes to be fluent, treading water using a breaststroke type action and sculling with hands.
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim Competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? __________41_________% |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke? __________63____________% |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self- rescue in different water – based situations? ___________35_________% |
Water Safety Message:
Spot the Dangers
Advice – take advice
Friends – go with a friend
Emergency- learn what to do in an emergency
Children should know the dangers of water locally and nationally. Learn how and why to use appropriate survival and self-rescue skills if they fall in by accident, or get into difficulty and knowing what to do if others get into trouble.